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How Does a Computer Process Information

How Does a Computer Process  Information

    When data is input into a computer, the numbers or words we understand are translated into a binary numbers system. Binary is the language of computers 
    Everything you type, input, output, send, retrieve, draw and so on is, in the end, converted to the computer's native language: binary.

Binary number system A numerical system wherein each digit stands for a power of two. The binary system uses only two symbols, o and 1, to represent values.

In the decimal system, commonly used in most countries, each digit represents a value of 10. For example, the number 103 would break down as follows
1x 100=100
0 x 10= 0
3 x1= 3
103= 103
In the binary system, each digit position represents a value of 2. Because computers use the binary system, powers of 2 play an important role. This is why everything in computers seems to come in 8s (2 to the 3rd power), 64s (2 to the 6th power), 128s (2 to the 7th power), and 256s (2 to the 8th power).
Therefore, in the binary system, the number 103 would break down as follows
1x32= 32
0x16= 0
0x8 = 0
1x4 =4
1x2 =2
1x1 =1
The values in a binary system the Os and 1s are called binary digits' or bits.

Binary digit (bit) A digit within the binary number system. A bit is the smallest unit of information held in a computer.

The computer's electronic circuits have only two states, on or off, and therefore can only understand os and 1s, which may
represent such opposites as on or off, yes or no, or up or down. This is why all computers use the binary system. In order to make the bits useful, they are combined into bytes of information.

Byte A combination of bits that represent one character. A byte is composed of 8 bits. Computer programmers have developed codes for various bytes of information, so that they may be read by different computer programs.

    For example, one code might define the letter A as 11000001 and the letter B as 11000010'. The number 6 might be defined as 11110110' and the number 8 as 11111000'. When the person entering data strikes the A key on the keyboard, the computer registers it as 11000001. When he or she enters the B, the computer reads it as 11000010. Similarly, the number 6 is understood by the computer as 11110110' and the number 8 as 1111100.

The computer thus, can store words and numbers as binary digits and then retrieve them and convert them back into words or numbers as required.

    This work of manipulating, storing and processing the data takes place in the Central Processing Unit, the computer's main memory. The CPU consists of an arithmetic and logic unit, or ALU), a control unit, and a set of registers.
  • The arithmetic and logic unit is the portion of the CPU where arithmetic and logical operations take place.
  • The control unit is the part of the CPU that supervises the general operations of the computer. 
  • The registers are devices that hold data inside the computer's memory long enough to execute a particular function, such as indexing, calculating, sorting or otherwise manipulating data. They are the CPU's own internal memory.
Bus Data travels from one part of the computer to another through a kind of path known as a bus.

The channel or path that lets the parts of a computer Communicates with each other. A computer data bus picks up a load of data from one of the components on the main computer board and then transfers the data to another component on the main computer board. The main circuit board of a microcomputer is also known as the motherboard.

MOTHERBOARD The motherboard is the principal board that has connectors for attaching devices to the bus. Typically, it contains the CPU, memory and basic controllers for the system. The data bus is really a series of electrical circuits that connect the various electrical elements on the main board. The data are input into the computer and processed in the CPU. They travel along the bus to be stored in the computer's memory. The amount of memory available is described in bytes of information, referring to the combination of bits representing characters. The higher the number of bytes the more memory the computer has.

    Today's computers hold 'megabytes or even 'sigabytes' of data. A megabyte is a unit of one million bytes; a gigabyte is one billion.bytes, and a terabyte is one trillion bytes. If a computer has a memory of 64 megabytes, then it can hold 64 million bytes of information.

ASCIl or American Standard Code for Information Interchange Data can be stored so that it is readable again only using the software with which it was created, or it can be stored in other formats, so that it may be transferred or used by other software programs. There is a standard character code used to store data so that it may be used by other software programs; this code is called ASCII or American
Standard Code for Information Interchange. The ASCII code assigns a specific pattern of bits to each character, as described above.

EBCDIC, o rExtended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code These codes store information which is readable by other computers. By using ASCII or EBCDIC, it is possible for people to retrieve and use someone else's data using a different type of hardware or software. The main disadvantage of using ASCII or EBCDIC is that the formatting or other special qualities of computerised information may be lost.

अन्य विषय 
अन्य जानकारी


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