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MS Word Shortcut Key


S No Dummy Key Key Shortcut For

01 Ctrl A All Selection

02 Ctrl B Bold

03 Ctrl C Copy

04 Ctrl D Font Style

05 Ctrl E Center

06 Ctrl F Find

07 Ctrl G Go To

08 Ctrl H Find and Replace

09 Ctrl I Italic Style

10 Ctrl J Justify

11 Ctrl K Hyperlink

12 Ctrl L Left Alignment

13 Ctrl N New Document

14 Ctrl O Open

15 Ctrl P Print

16 Ctrl Q Left Alignment (Complete Document)

17 Ctrl R Right Alignment

18 Ctrl S Save

19 Ctrl T Shifting of Tab

20 Ctrl U Underline

21 Ctrl V Paste

22 Ctrl W Close the window

23 Ctrl X Cut

24 Ctrl Y Redo

25 Ctrl Z Undo

26 Ctrl F2 Print preview

27 Ctrl F4 Close the document

28 Ctrl F5 Restore Down

29 Ctrl F10 Restore & Maximize

30 Ctrl F11 Open

31 Ctrl Enter Page brake

32 Ctrl Delete Delete the sentence

33 Ctrl Home Starting point of the page

34 Alt A Table bar menu

35 Alt E Edit menu

36 Alt F File menu

37 Alt H Help menu

38 Alt I Insert menu

39 Alt O Format menu

40 Alt R Draw menu

41 Alt T Tool bar

42 Alt U Auto shapes 

43 Alt V View

44 Alt W Window bar 

45 Alt F4 Close 

46 Alt F5 Restore 

47 Alt F7 Spelling and Grammar 

48 Alt F8 Macros 

49 Alt F10 Restore & Maximize 

50 Alt F11 Visual basic 

51 Alt End End of the page 

52 Shift F1 Help 

53 Shift F10 Right click options 

54 Shift F7 Thesaurus 

55 Shift F12 Save the document

56 - F1 Help

57 - F5 Go To

58 - F7 Spelling & Grammar checking 

59 - F8 Extend selection 

60 - F12 Save As

61 Ctrl + Shift A All Caps 

62 Ctrl + Shift D Double underline 

63 Ctrl + Shift E Markup 

64 Ctrl + Shift F Font Style 

65 Ctrl + Shift G Word Count 

66 Ctrl + Shift H Hide

67 Ctrl + Shift K All caps ( total text )

68 Ctrl + Shift L List Bullets 

69 Ctrl + Shift P Font size

70 Ctrl + Shift Q Font style (Symbol) 

71 Ctrl + Shift S Formatting Style

72 Ctrl + Shift U Underline 

73 Ctrl + Shift W Word Underline 

74 Ctrl + Shift 8 Show / Hide 

75 Ctrl + Alt C ©

76 Ctrl + Alt E

77 Ctrl + Alt I Print Preview 

78 Ctrl + Alt L Bullets 

79 Ctrl + Alt M Reviewing tool bar (Markup)

80 Ctrl + Alt N Normal view

81 Ctrl + Alt O Outline view

82 Ctrl + Alt R ®

83 Ctrl + Alt S Dividing page 

84 Ctrl + Alt T Trade Mark (™)

85 Ctrl + Alt Z Reenter the working window or working spot 

86 Ctrl + Alt 1 Bold, increase font size(3 Steps) & Left alignment 

87 Ctrl + Alt 2 Bold, Increase font size(2 steps), Italic & left alignment  

88 Ctrl + Alt 3 Bold, increase font size(1 Step) & Left alignment 

89 Ctrl + Alt F12 Computer proprieties 

90 Ctrl + Alt Delete Windows security 

91 Ctrl + Alt Home Select browse object

92 Ctrl + Alt Esc Previous window

93 Alt + Shift D Date

94 Alt + Shift H Help

95 Alt + Shift I Mark citation 

96 Alt + Shift O Mark Table of Contents Entry

97 Alt + Shift T Time 

98 Alt + Shift X Mark Index Entry 

99 Alt + Shift F2 Save 

100 Alt + Shift F4 Close the document 

101 Alt + Shift F6 Previous working point (Window) 

102 Alt + Shift F7 Translate 

103 Alt + Shift F10 Clipboard options 

104 Alt + Shift F11 Script Editor 

105 Alt + Shift Esc Previous window

106 Alt + Space N Minimize              

107 Alt Tab Maximize the items from starting bar 

अन्य विषय 
अन्य जानकारी


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BIOS       BIOS is a software which resides in a small flash EEPROM memory on the motherboard. It is a  form of read only memory (ROM), but may be rewritten or programmed when the right tools and  techniques are applied. It works as an interface between the computer hardware and operating system  and communicates between computer and devices.       The BIOS is very important part of your computer that makes its home on the motherboard. The BIOS provides an interface between the raw PC hardware and the standard operating system, it is usually stored in ROM. As you can see, BIOS is important; every computer needs it. And like CPU's, it comes in different versions. BIOS versions are based on years. These chips are typically the biggest chips on your motherboard other than the CPU and math-coprocessor. There is usually a big sticker on it that says BIOS. The sticker also says what kind of BIOS it is and what year the BIOS were published...

What is Software ?

What is Software ?   What is Software ?   The programs that tell the hardware what tasks are to be done and how. it is the general terem which describes all forms of programs associated with the computer. software is the set of programs that is  essential  to perform any task on the computer. Type of Software Operating System      The program that communicates between all components of a computer is known as operating system computer must have an operating system to run other programs. Operating systems perform basic tasks, such as recognizing input from the keyboard, sending to the display screen, keeping track of directories on the disk, and controlling devices such as disk drives and printers Operating systems can be classified as follows:  Multi-user : Allows two or more users to run programs at the same time. Some operating systems  permit hundreds or even thousands of concurrent users. Windows server 2003, Unix etc are the example ...

What is Computer ? कम्प्यूटर क्या है?

WHAT IS A COMPUTER?       Computer is a device which accepts input, processes it, stores the data, if required and gives desired output as per user requirement. The term computer is used to describe a device made up of a  combination of electronic and electromechanical (part electronic and part mechanical) components. By itself, a computer has no intelligence and is referred to as hardware. In general the computer does the  following.  1. Accept user supplied data and instructions.  2. Stores large volume of information given at high speed as per the instruction given.  3. Process the information given at a high speed as per the instruction given.  4. Output the results according to user specifications 5. Transfers Data, Images, Sound and Graphics through cables at a very fast rate       In other words, we supply to the computer; the data to be processed and the instructions to  process the data with. The compute...

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Novell netware & window NT

INTRODUCTION OF VARIOUS NETWORK OPERATING SYSTEMS AND THEIR SPECIAL FEATURES       Proper support of a local area network requires hardware, software, and miscellaneous support devices .A network operating system is the most important software component. Application programs  are also required to support users on a LAN. Support devices such as hubs, switches, routers, servers,modems, power supplies and more are also necessary other than operating system.       An operating system manages all applications and resources in a computer.       A multitasking operating system supports the execution of multiple processes at one time.       A network operating system is a large, complex program that manages the resources common on most local area networks .Besides performing standard operating system functions, a network operating system is called upon for additional functions, such as …  a) Maintain ...

What is Computer ? कम्प्यूटर क्या है?

WHAT IS A COMPUTER?       Computer is a device which accepts input, processes it, stores the data, if required and gives desired output as per user requirement. The term computer is used to describe a device made up of a  combination of electronic and electromechanical (part electronic and part mechanical) components. By itself, a computer has no intelligence and is referred to as hardware. In general the computer does the  following.  1. Accept user supplied data and instructions.  2. Stores large volume of information given at high speed as per the instruction given.  3. Process the information given at a high speed as per the instruction given.  4. Output the results according to user specifications 5. Transfers Data, Images, Sound and Graphics through cables at a very fast rate       In other words, we supply to the computer; the data to be processed and the instructions to  process the data with. The compute...

What is Software ?

What is Software ?   What is Software ?   The programs that tell the hardware what tasks are to be done and how. it is the general terem which describes all forms of programs associated with the computer. software is the set of programs that is  essential  to perform any task on the computer. Type of Software Operating System      The program that communicates between all components of a computer is known as operating system computer must have an operating system to run other programs. Operating systems perform basic tasks, such as recognizing input from the keyboard, sending to the display screen, keeping track of directories on the disk, and controlling devices such as disk drives and printers Operating systems can be classified as follows:  Multi-user : Allows two or more users to run programs at the same time. Some operating systems  permit hundreds or even thousands of concurrent users. Windows server 2003, Unix etc are the example ...

Computer Basic Short Cut Key

Computer Basic Short Cut Key Ctrl+ A            Select all contents of the page Ctrl+B               Bold highlighted selection Ctrl+C               copy selected text Ctrl+V               Paste selected text Ctrl+X               Cut Selected text Ctrl+Y               Redo the last action performed Ctrl+Z             Undo Last action Delete               Delete function Shift+F10 Key Displays the shortcut Menu for the selected   item Shift+Delete      Delete the selected item permanently without placing it in the recycle Bin...


BIOS       BIOS is a software which resides in a small flash EEPROM memory on the motherboard. It is a  form of read only memory (ROM), but may be rewritten or programmed when the right tools and  techniques are applied. It works as an interface between the computer hardware and operating system  and communicates between computer and devices.       The BIOS is very important part of your computer that makes its home on the motherboard. The BIOS provides an interface between the raw PC hardware and the standard operating system, it is usually stored in ROM. As you can see, BIOS is important; every computer needs it. And like CPU's, it comes in different versions. BIOS versions are based on years. These chips are typically the biggest chips on your motherboard other than the CPU and math-coprocessor. There is usually a big sticker on it that says BIOS. The sticker also says what kind of BIOS it is and what year the BIOS were published...


TYPES OF RAM AND ROM  Common RAM Types  • SRAM       Static random access memory uses multiple transistors, typically four to six, for each memory cell  but doesn't have a capacitor in each cell. It is used primarily for cache. These types of memory are physically bulky and somewhat limited to its capacity.       In Static RAM, a form of flip-flop holds each bit of memory. A flip-flop for a memory cell takes four or six transistors along with some wiring, but never has to be refreshed. This makes static RAM significantly faster than dynamic RAM. However, because it has more parts, a static memory cell takes up a lot more space on a chip than a dynamic memory cell. Therefore, you get less memory per chip, and that makes static RAM a lot more expensive      Static RAM is fast and expensive, and dynamic RAM is less expensive and slower. Static RAM is  used to create the CPU's speed-sensitive cache, while dynamic RAM...