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        Computer data storage, often called storage or memory, refers to computer components, devices, and recording media that retain digital data used for computing after some interval of time. Computer data storage provides one of the core functions of the modern computer, that of information retention. It is one of the fundamental components of all modern computers, and coupled with a central processing unit (CPU, a processor), implements the basic computer model used since 1940s. 

    People often confuse the terms memory and storage, when describing. The term memory refers 
to the amount of RAM installed in the computer, whereas the term storage refers to the capacity of the
computer’s hard disk so we can define memory as the place where computer holds programs and data 
that are in use. Although memory is technically any form of electronic storage, it is used most often to 
identify fast, temporary forms of storage. If computer’s CPU had to constantly access the hard drive to 
retrieve every piece of data it needs, it would operate very slowly. When the information is kept in 
memory, the CPU can access it much more quickly. Most forms of memory are intended to store data 
temporarily. Historically, memory and storage were respectively called primary storage and secondary 

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