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    Jumpers are set of small pins which are covered with small caps to short circuit two pins for a particular setting which vary as per device. The box connects the two pins together allowing electricity 
to flow freely between the two pins. 

     Jumpers are used to configure computer peripherals such as Hard Drives, Modems, Sound Cards, and various other components. For example, when installing a new hard drive, you may need to change the jumper settings depending if the hard drive is a master drive or a slave drive. Usually we can find: 
• Six-pin jumpers with eight possible settings
• Three-pin jumpers with two possible settings Always refer product documentation for proper jumper setting of the device 

    Dip switches are actual small switches placed over the jumpers to avoid placing of plastic caps to short circuit two pins for a particular setting but designed with the same intentions as jumpers. However, instead of having to remove the jumper block and placing it over separate pins, dip switches are actual small switches which can be turned to the ON or OFF position. Like jumpers, Dip Switches are used to configure computer peripherals such as Hard Drives, Modems, Sound Cards, and various other components. Generally, however, Dip Switches are usually only found on PC Boards such as the Motherboard, Sound Card, or other PC Boards. Settings are done in the patterns of ‘on’ and ‘off’. 

    These switches are very small and easier to set with pen, probe, or small screwdrivers. They are useful when you have number of settings that are user settable or semi-permanent. The DIP switches are of two types 
• Sliding DIP switch 
• Rocker type switch 

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